Acrobatic and Climbing Series – Season 2023/2024, Episode: 21/42 (standard 16)
Another SkakAnka week ahead of us 🔜 and this time it’s going to be very CRAZY 🔄!
We will try to rev up activities and exercises to the highest speed 🎚️ and spin our bodies 🧍 in all directions.
We’ll start 🏁 with a warm-up, where the veils will help us get all into the fun 🤪.
During their activities, our gymnasts 🤸 will try their hand at forward ➡️ and backward ⬅️ rolls.
Our climbers 🧗 will try to transfer the twisted ➰ exercises to the climbing wall by completing climbing ♾️ circuits and climbing high 🎣 with turns.
At the end of the 🔚 classes, we will try out the SkakAnka version of zorbing 😀.
Ready for a crazy week at SkakAnka? 🙃