🟩 Brick is here, brick is there, bricks are lying everywhere! 🟨

!Acrobatic and Climbing Series – Season 2023/2024, Episode: 38/42 (standard 28)

In the coming week 📆 at SkakAnka we will have a truly extraordinary task. 🤗
A task that our wonderful Friskers👶👧👦 should accept with great enthusiasm 🙂, because our gymnastics and climbing hall will be dominated by… bricks 🟧. Every child loves playing with them, and we will try to incorporate it into our acrobatic and climbing challenges. 😉
In addition to traditional arranging, our brave gymnasts 🤸 will, among others: jump on them 🦘, do somersaults and rolls on them 🔄, do handstands 🙌 and throw as high as possible, keeping them between their feet 🦶.
Our fearless climbers 🧗 will pull the blocks 🟪 onto the climbing wall using gri-gri ➰ and will climb high 🎣 in between.
The final point 🏁 will be an attempt to replicate the construction made of blocks 🟥 prepared by our extraordinary instructors 👩👨.

Don’t miss this week on SkakAnka! 😀