? Maneuvers with Voytek ?

Acrobatic and Climbing Serial – Season 2016/2017, Episode: 10


Following the eerily jolly week in SkakAnka it is time to remind the history of Voytek (org. Wojtek), the only bear ? that was officially enlisted as a soldier of the company. ✌
This week we celebrate the anniversary of the restoration of Poland’s sovereignty ? and we commemorate this by experience some fantastic gymnastics and climbing adventures connected with this brave bear.
Therefore, we will travel on a combat trail through Iraq, Iran, Syria, Palestine and Egypt up to the Monte Cassino ? in Italy, where Voytek, among blossoming poppies, helped soldiers by carring ammunition ???. We will also try our’s hand at Voytek’s favourite sport: wrestling with soldiers ?!
After exhaustive excercises we will accompany him during the journey to the far Scotland’s zoo ????, where he lived after the end of World War II.

Are you ready for maneuvers ??
It is essential to join our army of victors! We are waiting for you!!!

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