Acrobatic and Climbing Serial – Season 2016/2017, Episode: 8
Once upon a time in a beautiful land far, far away… Beyond mountains ⛰⛰, beyond forests ???, beyond three mounds ? in a homeland of the Wawel Dragon ? kids can enjoy carefree and jaunty gymnastics and climbing activities. ???
We think of course of the SkakAnka where this week each participant can take part in discovering legends, fairytales and stories ? which will all over everybody!
Gymnasts and climbers will learn some magic with the magician Ben-line ?, enjoy knightly excercises and climb to the highest tower ?, where evil overlord holds captive the prince and the princess of the SkakAnka. ??
It is not over here though! ? Come see ???, what else waits for us and why we will need the Magic Carpet!
Let the magic be with you! ?
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